In January 2012 Tunisia and Egypt marked the
first year since the beginning of the civil uprising. Libya is still
longing for return to the normal life after civil war. Syrian regime is waging
war against its own people, and the outcome is still unclear. Despite the fact
that all these developments are still underway, one thing is obvious: Middle
East is becoming a different place from what it was. And what is even more
important: it becomes different place from how we used to think about it.
In Israel we were and still are quite
concerned with these developments. After all, it's our neighborhood. So, where
do we stand today regarding the impact of the Arab spring on us in Israel?
Well, actually we did it. President Peres, PM Netanyahu
and other officials welcomed the spirit of openness and democracy that
characterized the first months of these movements. However, our declarations
were not heard, and instead the media highlighted the fears of the Israelis and
presented Israel as lagging behind the developments.
And where do we stand now? After the impressive
victories of the Islamic parties in Tunisia ,
then in Egypt ,
many people started to raise their concerns. It's not that the Arab countries
cannot become democracies. Today it’s obvious that this process could take much
more time, may be decades, and that the elections are only the beginning of the
process, not the final stage.
After the violent takeover of the Israeli
embassy in Cairo and the calls "Death to the Jews!" greeting the
arrival of Hamas leader to Tunisia, we definitely are reminded that in the new Middle
East the old hatred of Israel and the Jews did not disappear. Old habits are
the most difficult to get rid of. Arabs were educated and brainwashed for 60
years that there is only one source for all their problems: it's Israel . The
same regimes that were ready to have "cold peace" with Israel,
allowed internally the anti-Semitic propaganda against Israel in order to
release the social and economic pressure.
And at this point we can realize the major
breakthrough in this vicious circle of the Middle-eastern politics: Arab
revolutions symbolize the first departure from the totalitarian logic of the
scapegoat. It's this realization of the Arab people that the source of their plight
is not external, but internal. It's the autocratic regimes, their corruption
and complete lack of sound social and economic policy that are to be blamed,
and not a small country of 7 million people that struggles for its survival.
The second positive change was that the forces
that try to utilize the Israel-Palestinian conflict for their domination today
are coerced to deal with the real problems of the Middle
East . Hezbollah has retreated into the shelters; Syrian regime is
struggling with unprecedented protest from within and isolation in the Arab
league from outside. And Iran is afraid to loose its last Arab ally. Hamas who
was smart to dissociate itself from Assad's regime, is looking for new sponsors,
between Egypt and Qatar, and in a meantime, prefers to keep quite.
Of course, the situation is far from ideal. The
instability in Egypt and Libya has created zones that are not fully
controlled by the authorities, which led to the smuggling of weapons and the
terrorist acts from Sinai Peninsula . The
collapse of Syrian regime could result in transfer of unconventional weapons
and missiles to Hezbollah. And Iran ,
despite the sanctions and the threat to loose an ally, is coming closer to the
nuclear ability. All these considerations lead us to the same conclusion we
made a year ago: we need patience and prudence. To make dramatic steps during
the regional turmoil, before we could see the light in the end of tunnel, is
The chances to make miscalculation during this
period are higher. Wrong decisions based on bad estimation could lead to another
crisis in this vulnerable situation. An example for this kind of miscalculation
is the decision of the PA to not negotiate with Israel, in the hope that in the
future they can get better bargaining position. Why? Arab countries are going
to deal with their social and economic condition and political stabilization
which they consider their first priority.
However, the unilateral strategy of PA is
seduced its leaders to make multilateral diplomacy instead of bringing the
independence to their people. Well, maybe they feel they can allow this little
privilege, since the socio-economic conditions of Palestinians are much better than
that of their brothers in the neighboring countries. After all, the only place
where people did not have any incentive to go to streets and protest is the
West Bank.